So this week flew by! Here is the rundown:
-Monday: We had Family Home Evening in the church building with a some members, and it turned out great! We are trying to make it a weekly activity!
-Tuesday: We had divisions, and were able to do a lot of service for some of our less actives and some investigators!
-Wednesday: We had our district meeting, and in the evening we visited the Jacinto Family and the Grijalva Family. Both are inactives/less actives.
-Thursday: We traveled to Palencia to do divisions with the Hermanas over there. AND MAN I felt like I was outside the capital! It was super hot, and I got super burnt! :) It was kind of nice to have the small town feel again. Everyone is a little more relaxed.
-Friday: Krista, a member in the ward, visited with us. She showed us where some people live, and we were able to find some more less actives. And then in the evening we had a Family Home Evening with the Benevente Family. That went super well, and afterwards they gave us some references of some really great people!
-Saturday: We explored in some parts of our area, and found a couple people that the missionaries were teaching a while back. We also found the houses that were burnt down the week of Christmas.. That was really sad to see. And it was crazy how we found them, we were looking for someone that we had been given as a reference, and we were going down all these little streets trying to find the house, and then we turn the corner and there was all the burnt houses. It still smelt burnt. It was really sad to see. There were 7 houses affected. And it all started from a little girls playing with fireworks... THAT IS WHY CHILDREN SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH FIREWORKS... But we found one of the families that was affected, and they explained a little more about what happened, and how it was their first day back in their house. The dad doesn't have a job, and so we told him about the program that the church has to help people find work. We hope he will go.
-Sunday: So we went to go pick up Byron and Ana Maria, and they were all ready to go! And then when we got to church, Byron started to sweat a ton, and felt like he was going to throw-up! We were sitting there in sacrament meeting, and then he was like, I have to leave. So we went to the foyer with him, and he explained that he suffers from low blood pressure. And he said that he only has problems when he walks too fast, or when he gets too excited. And well he told us that the whole week he has been looking forward to Sunday so that he could go to church with us! :) We told him not to get too excited! And that he can come every week! Well the Elders gave him a blessing, and afterwards, he was perfectly fine!
Well that was basically our week, and this week is going to be crazy because on Wednesday we are going to Zacapa for a Confrence just for the Hermanas! It'll be great!
Ponderizing: Mark 8:17-21. I love this because I feel like it happens to us as well! We have all seen miracles and blessings in our lives, or in the lives of others, but sometimes we are in a situation and it is like we have forgotten that God can still work miracles. That He can still help us. That if he has done it before for other people, he can do it for us.
Love you all! Oh, and next week we wont be writting until Thursday because we are going to the TEMPLE!!!
-Hermana Garrett
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